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My thoughts on learning Taiji

by Pua Hiap Chuan

I have been practising TaiJi since 2016. There are many people attracted to it. I feel that it is both an Arts and also a Science. Arts is in terms of the form it exemplify with each precise stroke, posture and stance while Science is in terms of the Principles behind the practice.

For me, the practice opens a whole new discovery. The practice gives a holistic exercise of the whole body and the joints. It gives a good workout for the practitioner at their own pace and stamina. At the end of the practice, one can feel the body to be in a relax state. One’s mind is also in the relax state. Such condition allows one to have a virtuous cycle of good deep sleep in the night and be fresh and energised for the day.

With such positive cycle of practice, relaxation and rest; one can improve on one’s current state of health and mind. The continuous pursue of a balanced state between the mind and the body gives me the motivation to upkeep the practice.

In addition, Shifu also use many interesting technique, anecdotes and close coaching to help us in the deeper understanding of TaiJi and adopting the correct posture, stroke and stance. Making the practice fun, interesting and easy to understand. The journey in Taiji becomes sustainable and motivates us to continue to pursue the practice diligently.

Thank you Shifu for your kind guidance and being an affable mentor!

October 2018


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