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Learning Tai Ji during last 3 years 

by Doh Liew Yeng

Going old is natural development of life, when we get to the old age after 30 years of being busy looking after the family and kids start to become independent, it is probably a good time to focus more on ourself and re-pace our life in a more relaxed and enjoyable way. Moreover I can feel more and more ageing effect kicking in. I was wondering about how to maintain healthy and at the same time in search of a way to lead a quality life in old age. My sister showed me the light by introducing Rennie Chong Tai Ji Master. Together with my husband who is also keen to learn, we are committed to join the class every weekend.

Tai Ji is an art which takes a lot of patience besidesinterests to learn, discipline to attend sessions and follow doing exercises in routine is probably most challenge for most beginners, once I stayed in class for more than a year, I begin to enjoy coming for Tai Ji as well as accompany of other participants as social community activities. Over the years, I feel well and more relaxed in my body due to stretching done in the warming exercise and Tai Ji Stroke, helps to bring the better blood and Qi circulation. By doing and repeating what we have learnt, in fact, there is always new discovery to physical as well as sharpening the mind. I guess, this is the magical power of Tai Ji, takes ages to master and many hidden benefits to uncover. As two of us are learning, we often encourage each other and share new findings. Overall I find it is fun and great way to practise Tai Ji especially we are preparing ourselve towards the semi-retiring.


September 2013


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